*Disclaimer, as I write this, I have only seen the first two seasons of 30 rock. I could go and watch it online, but I just cannot manage to do so. I cannot watch crappy quality youtube style videos of movies and television shows, not to put down those who do, it just personally does not work for me. But soon, I will have seen more and perhaps write an updated post of why you need to watch 30 rock.
9) It's filmed in New York. So often we see these sitcoms based and shot on boring sets within the backdrop of boring Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. Bring on the much more interesting Big Apple.
8) Not only a feast for the eyes, but good entertainment for the brain, with a delightful play on words. For example: Jenna's indie movie The Rural Juror, Dr Spaceman (pronounced Spa-chem-an), Tracy Morgan's character Tracy Jordan goes by the alias of Stacy Morgan while on the run from the Black Crusaders. Hysterical.
7) The use of extraneous multimedia, such as using blatant product placement while claiming
5) Jenna Maloney, as played by Jane Krakowski (maybe you remember her as Elaine from Ally McBeal.) Poor Jenna is a bit of a stereotype here. Actress. Blonde. Dumb. Attention seeker. Vain. Egocentric. Desperate to be taken seriously. Never will be.
4) Alec Baldwin is hysterically funny as Network Exectuive Jack Donaghy. So entertaining to see Baldwin play the polar opposite of his famous political views. A staunch democrat playing a guilt ridden Catholic Republican. Just great!
3) 30 Rock is loosely based upon Tina Fey's (star, producer, writer and creator) real life job as first female head writer of variety comedy sketch show Saturday Night Live. If you've seen SNL then you'll want to see more, like a fly on the wall!
2) It's the writing. Each written line is gold, and its a collaborative effort between cast and the writers, but its just comedy gold that is being produced. And it's also fascinating to watch a show about writers and actors working together. Just watch!
1) See the genius of one of the most famous women in America, not to mention the funniest, smartiest, prettiest, super brainiest, poltical impersonating, starry eyed, dream girl. TINA FEY!!!!