Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm back!

Hello there bloggers.

Happy 2009! It has been almost two months since my last blog. It's shameful really. I've had a lot of time off, and while the creative juices should have been following, I've been suffering from writer's anxiety and block instead. I wish I could have said that I've been holidaying in Hawaii instead, but the plain simple truth is that something took a hold of my writing. I even got a laptop in the process, which should have made it easier to write more frequently, but NO. So throwing caution to the wind and everything else aside, I am going to try and write everyday, or as close to as I can bare. What will result from this daily eventful blogging? I don't know. Perhaps I shall write about movies again, perhaps other things will come out. Right now, I cannot say if I can be bothered trying to sound the slightest bit professional or journalistic, but here goes nothing. And enjoy the new look!

I do slightly lie when I say I wrote nothing. So here is something I wrote at the start of the year.

Friday 16th January, 2.37am

There is something about the new calendar year that makes everything fresh. A new year has started and therefore so can a new life. Divorcees and heartbroken sad cases everywhere hold onto the idea that this will be the time where everything will get better and fall into place. But when you think about it, it's just another day. And what a difference a day can make, so it seems.

Everywhere I look, I hear '2009 will be the year' and 'change is on my side in 09' and more endless and similar expressions that keep me wondering, is 2009 really the year of change? At the start of each new calendar year there is a three week period (sometimes extending longer) where people can freely make these statements without seeming too crazy or pathetic.

However, these hopeful optimists everywhere (especially those who have gone through a particular crappy year) are living either one of two possible realities. Option A is that these hopeful optimists actually believe that the new year will bring happiness, prosperity and love, all because of the turning of time. Or, the more likely of these options is Option B, where desperation can become so helpless that any idea of the prospect of happiness, prosperity and love coming to fruition will do.

I have become a frequent visitor of Option A, but it seems that I am residing in the residence of Option B for the time being. I would like to believe that simply because the calendar year has passed over, inner contentment will follow and that mystically everything is on my side. However, I find it unreasonable and illogical to believe that this reality is solely a result of the stars. This is what I'm pertaining to, with the whole 'it's predetermined by some kind of unseeable force.'

But don't get me wrong, I am a kind of spiritual guy. And in fact, I even bought a book of how to master the art of happiness by the Dali Lama. As a result of the purchase, I would go as far as saying that simply by rubbing the book, I feel the effects immediately. Despite all of these proclamations and affirmations, I cannot stop hearing the little cynical voice that rears its ugly head and says "what if this is all bull?"

And maybe it is all bull. But there is that wonderful three week period that allows for the window of opportunity and hope, where all the past mistakes and failures of the previous year and wiped away, leaving a clean palate to start with. And maybe this year will be the year of change, god knows I need it. And so as the three week window comes to a close, I will try to see the glass as half full and hope for the best. I figure that will work until around January 22.

1 comment:

Martin Kingsley said...

I'd just like to take this time right here and now to say that the Dalai Lama is a mad bastard and nothing but.