Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Scarlet Johansson Dumped

Scarlett Johansson's directorial debut has been axed from the upcoming feature film New York, I Love You, a follow up to the 2006 collection of short films Paris je't aime (Paris, I Love You.) A variety of directors and actors had made little short segments for the upcoming film (including Zack Braft, Natalie Portman, Brett Ratner and Shekhar Kapur.) The segment, starring Kevin Bacon, was apparently not fitting for the rest of the film, and will now only be included as a DVD extra.

Now this is not the first career failure Scarlett has endured. Let us not forget her 2008 debut album of Tom Waits covers Anywhere I Lay My Head. If you haven't seen it, or need reminding, check out this clip. I'll let the music (or for lack of a better word) speak for itself.

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