Sunday, June 8, 2008

Disney is possibly the best thing in the world...

To me, I don't think anything could be better. Let's look at why:

  • The Lion King
  • Toy Story
  • Monsters, Inc.
  • Aladdin
  • Peter Pan
  • 101 Dalmatians (the cartoon one, not that 'average' people version where the animals don't talk, I want my Pongo to speak!)
I mean this is just a few out of a giant list that just keeps on going. These films could make my day. They allow me to go back to my childhood (because it was soooo long ago) and yet still live in it. There is nothing better. Except maybe Disney with ice cream and then chocolate and then maybe lots of money and a nice house and a nice car and nice clothes and good sex and a happy life with lots of close friends and a good love life and lots of laughter, joy and fun. But Disney gives you that, so how could I wish for more?


Anonymous said...

Extract taken from Blog post "disney is possibly the best thing in the world..."

"There is nothing better" "then" "good sex and a happy life with lots of close friends"

i am a friend, but im sorry i will not have good sex with you, nor will i have bad sex, hot sex, sweaty sex, sensual sex or any type of sex. not even if you have a disney movie playing in the background.

Blogger68 said...

I believe I am being taken out of context here. The full quote was:

"There is nothing better. Except maybe Disney with ice cream and then chocolate and then maybe lots of money and a nice house and a nice car and nice clothes and good sex and a happy life with lots of close friends and a good love life and lots of laughter, joy and fun."

M xx said...

Hello. Lizzie Maguire! I know that is more modern day Disney - but that is most likely the best thing on the Disney channel. Along with "That's so Raven".

Speaking of which - I should get Eddie Gordo's autograph...