There is a time in an artists life when they will release a retrospective piece that speaks over their (hopefully) interesting career. Sometimes we find artists who are not exactly worthy of releasing retrospective pieces, doing just this same thing. Artists will oftne release a greatest hits compilation album after decades of studio albums, or a countless array of hits. Then there are the artists who compile a "greatest hits" collection, after only releasing a couple of albums. This leaves me wondering how easy is it to be considered worthy of a career retrospective. And I'm talking the Aaron Carter, Keith Urban, Hilary Duff Collections here.

The same can be said with celebrity autobiographies. More often than not, a celebrity, whether it be an actor, musician, sportsperson, or whoever, will generally produce a work of non fiction/autobiography at the end of either their career, or during a retirement, or a quiet time in their professional life; a reflection period. However, much like pre-emptive greatest hit compilations, we see sometimes see the pre-emptive autobiography.
Miley Cyrus, the teenage bucktoothed sensation is my Exhibit A. An example of a career that has only begun within the last few years. Not even last decade. Despite this lack of experience in the

industry, little Smiley Miley has come up with "her story". It's sad when you know that there is an audience for this hogwahed filled piece of mediocrity.
Miley, also know to millions of 'tweens' as Hannah Montana is a bit of the media mogul. Despite only JUST turning 17, little Miley (daughter of 80s country Achy Breaky Heart one hit wonder Billy Ray Cyrus) has already starred in a television program, released CD's, her own clothing line, and now the autobiography, ironically titled "Miles To Go" (Ironic for me, as I feel that's where I stand with her synergising ways...It's only just begun!?!?!) I can only assume that the perfume and energy drinks products are just around the corner.

It is important to note that Miley is not the first young celebrity to pen her story. Back in the day, Drew Barrymore wrote "Little Girl Lost", an autobiography in 1991 about her turbulent childhood and drug addictions at age 14. Now we take in hand that Drew had been through quite a journey in this short space of time. In comparion, Miley suffered some "serious" bullying, and had a "serious" two year relationship that is worthy of a marriage comparison to Jonas Brother Nick Jonas (Another Disney tween sensation.)
Recently I saw a clip of Miley on
The View, a popular US daytime television talk show. When asked out what she would like to say to the girls who bullied her in high school, she replied, "Hahaha!" And not only that, but she also said that the popular girls who bullied her were always the ones being cast in lead roles in school productions and she was not, but now she has a show and they don’t. Now, to me, this seems suggests less of a rags to riches story, and more of a revenge driven reality.

Apparent the Disney company payed Cyrus a 7 figure sum to write the autobiography and there is already talks of a movie based on the book. Is this going to be a similar situation to Patty Duke starring in the Patty Duke story? Or the Joan Rivers/Melissa Rivers story, starring Joan and Melissa Rivers? Miley Cyrus stars as Miley Cyrus in the Miley Cyrus story.
Give me a break!