It's a new technological age, and so it seems that there are certain changes that are taking shape and now becoming quite obvious to the techno-savvy eye. One thing that has specifically changed within the last 10 years is how television shows are accessed and digested. With DVD technology becoming less expensive, the consumption of our favourite television shows, and more notably, television shows we've yet to discover, have become cheaper and more accessible than ever before. This has lead to people watching the television shows on DVD as opposed to watching them live on television, and in some cases, television shows being altered in favour of DVD audiences.
Writers of Family Guy can be heard on many DVD commentaries noting which parts of an episode have been specifically written for the DVD and were cut from original airing on the FOX television network. This suggests that not only is there an auidence for DVD TV but that the creators of the shows are catering specifically for this audience and perhaps moving away from the traditional forms of exhibition.
So, why should you watch a TV show on DVD as opposed to watching it in real time on your own television? Well, firsly, everything is on your own time. You are your own programmer. You decide what shows are worthy of being broadcast in primetime hours, and not only that, but you can decide how many episodes you wish to view at the one time. You can have your own marathon if you choose. It's all up to you. And another benefit of owning your own TV series, is that you can repeat, pause, add subtitles and fast forward as much as your hearts desire.
In an article written in The Age (click here if you want to read more), creator of The Wire David Simon notes how the trend is turning with television shows being made in a different televisual world, where everything will turn into On Demand viewing, instead of viewers having to curb their lives around television programming.
I have been a fan of this new trend. I have discovered many gems that were many a time unavailable on normal network television. And even having the added bonus of cable does not ensure you will see the show you so called desire, unless you have some kind of electronic recording device. But still, owning DVD TV is the ultimate convienence of television consumption. Television shows like The Wire and Family Guy are finding their audiences within the DVD market, and not via network programming.
Of course this does not spell the end for television broadcasting. Nonetheless, television broadcasting will undoubtably change within the next 5-10 years. And this could very well allow for much easier consumption of television shows, much similar to DVD TV. I personally cannot wait! While the good ol' days of turning on your box at 8.30 on a Sunday night may become a thing of the past, hopefully we'll be able embrace the new age of technological television broadcasting.
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