In a world full of frequent wardrobe malfunctions, troubled pop diva Britney Spears was recently heard uttering the words "My pussy is hanging out" at a concert, which thanks to the wonderfully advanced technologically charged aged world that we live in, was captured on video camera footage.
This brings a timely reminder to the wonderful world of wardrobe malfunctions. Let us remember two important wardrobe malfunction-ees of the last few years:
Axel Whitehead
Former Australian Idol runner up, and current Cleo Bachelor of the Year and Home and Away star, exposed himself at the 2006 ARIA awards, thus prompting his firing from music show Video Hits.
Janet Jackson
One of the famous Jacksons caused what is now referred to as "Nipplegate" at the 2004 Superbowl in the US, which thus prompted FFC regulations to bring in a 7 second delay which would deprive us of more similar moments. Jackson claimed to be unaware of what was going on, but later admitted to be responsible for the slippage of boobage.
And now for the clip of the moment: (The gold moment occurs around the 33 second mark.)
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