Quite recently an article came out in Esquire stating that the current successes of Twilight, True Blood and the Vampire Diaries owe thanks to women who are enamoured with the phenomeon because they want to have sex with gay men.
Stephen Marche argues that the nature of the vampires and the women who are attracted to them mirror the (often closeted) gay and his beard (cover up girlfriend who is hopelessly in love with him). Using Edward from Twilight as an example Marche states that:
“[Edward is] a sweet, screwed-up high school kid, and at the beginning of his relationship with Bella, she is attracted to him because he is strange, beautiful, and seemingly repulsed by her. This exact scenario happened several times in my high school between straight girls and gay guys who either hadn’t figured out they were gay or were still in the closet.”
These ideas do make sense, despite the arguments tending to be slightly left field. But when you think about it, these vampire "studs" are fairly unattainable, they represent a different type of man who is different to the rest, and in the case of Edward especially, there is an effeminite quality to not only his demeanour, but his physical appearance too.
Some food for thought.
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