Friday, November 27, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Women Love Vampires Because They Want to Have Sex With Gay Men
Quite recently an article came out in Esquire stating that the current successes of Twilight, True Blood and the Vampire Diaries owe thanks to women who are enamoured with the phenomeon because they want to have sex with gay men.
Stephen Marche argues that the nature of the vampires and the women who are attracted to them mirror the (often closeted) gay and his beard (cover up girlfriend who is hopelessly in love with him). Using Edward from Twilight as an example Marche states that:
“[Edward is] a sweet, screwed-up high school kid, and at the beginning of his relationship with Bella, she is attracted to him because he is strange, beautiful, and seemingly repulsed by her. This exact scenario happened several times in my high school between straight girls and gay guys who either hadn’t figured out they were gay or were still in the closet.”
These ideas do make sense, despite the arguments tending to be slightly left field. But when you think about it, these vampire "studs" are fairly unattainable, they represent a different type of man who is different to the rest, and in the case of Edward especially, there is an effeminite quality to not only his demeanour, but his physical appearance too.
Some food for thought.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Twilight Effect
The song becomes recognised by the girl, to which she immediately pipes up with "Oh, I love this song" and starts singing the strange lyrics (Eg: "Now I'm a fat house cat/Cursing my sore blunt tongue") to utter and sheer whimsical delight. Then I pipe up saying "I love this album", the girl becomes slightly bewildered and yet extremely exhilarated and excitedly says "You love the Twilight Soundtrack?!?!" *Crazy fun times end in devasted boy (me) being lost in disappointment.
This situation has happened to me more than once, and that's no exaggeration. In truth, when I be fair to ethical ideals journalism and all that hoo-har, I should not omit that I started liking Iron and Wine from its inclusion on the soundtrack of the 2004 film In Good Company. So there, I've declared potential hypocrisy. But, to be fair, the song "Trapeze Swinger" was only released through the soundtrack.
However, when considering the effects of the Twilight soundtracks on the music industry, popular culture and the public sphere, this hypocrisy can be over looked. Massive indie/punk artists beyond Iron and Wine, such as Muse, Paramore and now Death Cab for Cutie have lost their underground (yet still massive underground) status and now are subjected to pop/rock star status and thus loved by the masses of tweeny-bopper Twilight saga lovers. Sadly, this mass love has led to my slow, dwindling vocal public declaration of such love for these artists. In laments terms, Twilight is destroying my love for music!!! Maybe that's an extreme statement, and one swimming in hyperbole, but it's engrained in truth!
My fear comes armed with feelings of woe and despair with the idea that my beloved Death Cab and other casualties may experience such a significant rise in popularity that they will no longer play in the uber cool venues where you can actually see their face. From this point on they will play in arenas or other similar venues where they become simply a speck of dust on a stage thousands of seats away. Just think of Kings of Leon. Just a few short years ago, they weren't selling out arenas. They weren't even playing arenas. But as the cruel tragic devil of popularity claims life after life, we see these amazing musicans that we idolise, literally move further and further away from us.
So with this on board, I had a look at the listing for the New Moon soundtrack, and I admitedly jizzed in my pants. I mean you've got Death Cab, Muse, Bon Iver with St. Vincent, Thom Yorke, Grizzly Bear and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. Triple Jizz!!!! And then comes the realisation that your 13 year old cousin will soon be bouncing her empty head along to these masters. And that's when the doves cry. Cue Prince.
I Kissed a Girl Gets Covered by Folk Star
While enjoying beyond current zeitgeist pop sensation wonderment, Katy Perry can now add another title to her resume: a covered artist.
Much like when Bowling for Soup covered Britney Spears’ “Baby, One More Time” in 2003, Perry’s pop-a-di-da tunes have been recently covered by not one artist, but two. First Jordin Sparks released an acoustic cover of number one hit “Hot N Cold” showing nothing that much out of the unusual.
A more recent cover, diverting from his own genre of choice, is folk-indie artist William Fitzsimmons (fresh off his re released 2008 album The Sparrow and the Crow) has brought his own musical stylings to Perry’s number one international controversial “I Kissed a Girl”.
The strange choice of coverings can often lead to many interesting questions. While Mr. Fitzsimmons choices may be questionable, he nonetheless sounds pretty good, if not fairly stoned. It is often the strange choice of covers that can bring an artist back to life. Let us not forget the best cover ever made….Johnny Cash’s “Hurt”.
If you think I’m right, wrong, or totally misguided, then drop a line in that ol’ comment box and let us know what you think the best and/or worst covers are.
Click here to listen to Fitzsimmon's coverWednesday, June 24, 2009
The Best Catfights on Television
Some of the greatest catfights you'll ever see were on the 80s mega hit series Dynasty. Dynasty is like a cross between Desperate Housewives and The Bold and the Beautiful. And if you don't know any of these shows either, then you have some much needed viewing to do. Thanks to Foxtel, I've been a viewer of Dynasty since I was about 10. The moments that stay with me are, of course, the catfights. And the best ones always seemed to involve Joan Collins' multiple marrying character Alexis Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan. I've provided two of the best Alexis catfights there is. But believe me, there's plenty more where that came from. If the fake slapping and over the top sound effects aren't enough, then enjoy the 80s fashions.
The Alexis/Dominique Catfight
The ULTIMATE Dynasty Catfight
Dynasty helped lead the way for female vs. female catfighting. It's influences spread across many more television shows for many decades since, and for many decades to come. I've chosen some favourite moments showcasing the Dynasty influence. An honourable mention goes to the Molly Shannon-Raquel Welch-Julia Louis Dreyfus catfight in the season 8 Seinfeld episode "Summer of George".
Thanks to the folks at youtube for this beautiful collection of the greatest hits (PUN PUN PUN!!!!!!) from bitch filled super drama Melrose Place
What's better than two women fighting, one asks? When one is a nun. Thank the holy lord!
While being more famously known as a quirky, neurotic stlyised lawyer comedy series, Ally McBeal did feature one marvelous catfight scene in the uni-sex bathroom that racked up a tally of 4 fighters.
A golden movie moment captured from the silver screen adaptation of Jacqueline Susann's best selling novel of the 1960's Valley of the Dolls. (Not a TV moment and it predated Dynasty, but it's irresistible)
Here's an extra tidbit-spoof from the 90s classic sitcom The Nanny
But let's not forget the wonderful verbal catfights, seen best during the Rosie days at The View
And finally, let's take the words "cat-fight" just a bit more seriously for a second:
Monday, June 22, 2009
Burton's Wonderland
And now we can enjoy them. Johnny Depp (The Mad Hatter), Helena Bonham Carter (The Queen) and Anne Hathaway (The White Witch) featured below.

Friday, June 12, 2009
Chk Chk Boom - The Album
Apparently she's headed in with some songwriters, and some gems are going to be produced, with no doubt many references, perhaps even a song, to the "Chk Chk Boom" slogan that she has become internationally famous for.
Lord help us. But there's a part of me that can't wait!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Jamie Foxx to play Frank Sinatra

Other actors supposedly up for the highly saught after role include singer turned actor Harry Connick Jr and frequent Scorsese collaborator Leonardo Di Caprio. Foxx, 41, most famoulsy known for his Oscar winning role as music legend Ray Charles, is being called the perfect bit of casting.
Playing Ray Charles might not have been that much of a stretch, but Ol' Blue Eyes? Seriously! Let's get real for a second and acknowledge the elephant in the room. He's black. Sinatra was white. Wow! I'm just dropping truth bombs everywhere, aren't i?!? Perhaps the Robert Downey Jr role in Tropic Thunder had some serious effects on those Hollywood power meetings.
I can only guess who'll be cast as the members of the Rat Pack, and other members of the famous Sinatra clan. I predict here and now that Halle Berry will play Nancy Sinatra, Eminem will play Sammy Davis Jr and Beyonce will play Mia Farrow. With the Foxx casting, it almost credible, if not consistent.
Articles have been surfacing all over the internet within the last couple of days, prompting a gossip-rumour frenzy. "Are we being punk'd?" one site ponders. Is this just another prank? Or is it seemingly legit, just like our friend Joaquin's hip hop career? We'll soon find out.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Britney's Va jay jay Malfunction
In a world full of frequent wardrobe malfunctions, troubled pop diva Britney Spears was recently heard uttering the words "My pussy is hanging out" at a concert, which thanks to the wonderfully advanced technologically charged aged world that we live in, was captured on video camera footage.
This brings a timely reminder to the wonderful world of wardrobe malfunctions. Let us remember two important wardrobe malfunction-ees of the last few years:
Axel Whitehead
Former Australian Idol runner up, and current Cleo Bachelor of the Year and Home and Away star, exposed himself at the 2006 ARIA awards, thus prompting his firing from music show Video Hits.
Janet Jackson
One of the famous Jacksons caused what is now referred to as "Nipplegate" at the 2004 Superbowl in the US, which thus prompted FFC regulations to bring in a 7 second delay which would deprive us of more similar moments. Jackson claimed to be unaware of what was going on, but later admitted to be responsible for the slippage of boobage.
And now for the clip of the moment: (The gold moment occurs around the 33 second mark.)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Scarlet Johansson Dumped
Now this is not the first career failure Scarlett has endured. Let us not forget her 2008 debut album of Tom Waits covers Anywhere I Lay My Head. If you haven't seen it, or need reminding, check out this clip. I'll let the music (or for lack of a better word) speak for itself.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Julia Roberts and her F*&? filled Tom Hanks speech
Julia Roberts gives an expletive filled speech at a tribute to Tom Hanks in New York on Monday night (New York time, obviously).
It pretty much speaks for itself. It's a bit of a roast and less a toast (i.e. raise your glasses for the bride and the groom), which is always refreshing when you're dealing with someone with the star level magnitude of Tom Hanks. So sit back and enjoy this foul mouthed tirade! And a suggestion for Roberts. I think she needs to give another heartfelt impassioned speech to someone else on a similar A list high power level. And that person might be Oprah.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lightning Strikes Martha Stewart
Martha Stewart, 67, claims to have been electrocuted three times recently, during electrical storms, while being inside and completing (of course) some domestic chores. It's like reading that Martha Stewart was killed when 10 carpet rolls fell on her while she was undertaking a summer project in the Hamptons. If she's going to be killed, it will be while being Martha Stewart to the nth degree.
Now Martha claims that she was doing the dishes and got struck in the stomach. And then was struck two more times while being on the phone and holding a metal rod. Now, I've heard of lightning striking twice, but three times?!?!
If you've seen The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, then you may recall the man who was struck by lightning seven times. Perhaps Martha is on this path. But for now, here's some videos of lightning, striking!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
If you're a David Lynch fan, then you will understand how fitting it is that he has directed the new Moby music video "A Shot in the Back of the Head". From reading the title of the song, it is clear that a magical collaborative dream team effort has occurred. There's Lynch, with his fascination with the head and it being smashed, kicked, shot, cutting its ears off, etc. and then there's Moby, specifically with this disjointed, dark tune. And put together in this clip, is just a visual feast for the (dark) eyes and a treat for all of the Lynch fans out there.
Even if you're not a fan of David Lynch's movies (Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive and TV show Twin Peaks) you will be able to realise that watching this clip is a similar experience to watching Lynch's work. His dream like images are felt on a different level here. In "Shot in the Back of the Head" it feels like you are watching a labyrinthine disjointed tale of love, loss and murder, all through the shots of a dark, messed up set of animated shots and distorted images.
I could go on for hours about everything Lynch, but for now, here is the Moby clip again for your enjoyment!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Barrymore shines in Grey Gardens
The doco was about the pairing of an eccentric mother and daughter, living in an old, dilapidated mansion called Grey Gardens. But the pull was that this mother and daughter pairing were the great Aunt and cousin of former First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (or the original Jackie O!) These former women of high class New York society had been living in squalor. And when press caught wind of it, a flurrying sensation was caused and Jackie herself came to help clean up the mess. A few years later, the Maysles came to film them, still living in their festering squalor with roughly 20 feral random cats wondering the premises, just "doing what they do". And henceforth the film Grey Gardens was born.
These two ladies were the original crazy old cat ladies you always heard about. And just to add to Little Edie's (the daughter) eccentricities, she donned a head scarf at all times to hide her hair that had previously fallen out, thus creating the unforgettable image of Little Edie (seen to the left) and the one of the woman that lies behind Grey Gardens.
But enough about the old, and in with the new. Some time ago, I heard that a film version was being made of Grey Gardens. Already a successful Tony award winning musical had been made. However this film is not an adaptation of the musical, it's a movie of the whole story of the Beales, spanning 40 years.
The first thing that I noticed was the casting choices. The brilliant Jessica Lange was to play Big Edie, which seemed like a very apt choice, as Lange is simple put, amazing. But then I read that Drew Barrymore had been cast as the one-of-a-kind Little Edie. This seemed like a risky choice for both the studio and Barrymore to make. Well, luckily, I have to say that my faith has been restored. If you check out the following clips you will see Barrymore as you've never seen her before. Over a years worth of vocal training, and much preparation has lead to what shall hopefully be a masterful performance. To judge for yourself, take a sneak peak at the trailer embedded below.
As a fan of the original cult doco, all I can say is that I'm relieved and beyond excited to see this hopefully magnificent adaptation of a truly unique and amazing story.
Originally slated for a theatrical release, HBO will be premiering Grey Gardens this Sunday night in the US. Who knows when we'll get it. I pray as soon as humanly possible, but with the past track records of getting anything decent on our screens, this could prove a more difficult task.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Fit for an iQueen

Naturally, little jokes such as Dancing Queen, and Queen's Greatest Hits come to mind, but According to the Associated Press, the iPod had a collection of popular Broadway musicals hits from such shows as "Funny Girl", "Dreamgirls", "Rent", "My Fair Lady" and "The King and I" among many others.
As when Brown received his collection of American classic films, I wondered, if I was Obama, what would I put on the iPod for the Queen. Perhaps I'd thrown in some Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell, classics in my book, maybe some Greenday, and some local chaps called The Beatles, and some of their contemporaries. As I pop forth this question to myself, I pop it forward to you: If you could put anything on the Queen's iPod, what would you choose?
Animal Sex Interests Rossellini

Some people like to knit or yarn. Others take up gardening. Well, it seems veteran actress Isabella Rossellini (daughter of Hollywood legends - actress Ingrid Bergman and director Roberto Rossellini) is interested in the mating rituals of animals. And why not, I say. The fascination of reproduction is one not to be shy of, and yet everywhere I turn on the internet this past day, all I read it "Rossellini fascinated by animal fornication" as if it were a shameful thing. Naturally, intrigue got the better of me and within minutes I was reading about Rossellini's new pet project.
"Green Porno" is a set of documentary shorts based on the coital habits of different animals. And these series of shorts sees, Rossellini, not shy of her own famous sexuality (see Blue Velvet and Death Becomes Her if you don't know what I'm talking about) diverting off to another set of species. Rossellini says "I'm not interested in people sex, just animal sex! More scandalous!”
Her shorts feature an array of "interesting" animals such as insects and sea creatures. I, personally, would have been more fascinated by the larger animals mating rituals (like the elephants, lions, etc, but I guess you can see that on any David Attenborough special) Rossellini most importantly notes about her little creatures that "they can do it everywhere. They can reproduce sexually, like us, but they can also do it asexually. They're so freaky, I love them! It''s fascinating," she added.
Let's bring it on, Isabella. Bring it on!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Top 10 Recut Movie Trailers
10) Mary Poppins
9) My Girl
8) You've Got Mail
7) Sleepless in Seattle
6) Mrs Doubtfire
5) Dumb and Dumber
4) When Harry Met Sally
3) Toy Story/Requiem for a Dream
2) Top Gun
1) The Shining
Friday, March 13, 2009
Miley Cyrus' So Called Life
The same can be said with celebrity autobiographies. More often than not, a celebrity, whether it be an actor, musician, sportsperson, or whoever, will generally produce a work of non fiction/autobiography at the end of either their career, or during a retirement, or a quiet time in their professional life; a reflection period. However, much like pre-emptive greatest hit compilations, we see sometimes see the pre-emptive autobiography.
Miley Cyrus, the teenage bucktoothed sensation is my Exhibit A. An example of a career that has only begun within the last few years. Not even last decade. Despite this lack of experience in the
Miley, also know to millions of 'tweens' as Hannah Montana is a bit of the media mogul. Despite only JUST turning 17, little Miley (daughter of 80s country Achy Breaky Heart one hit wonder Billy Ray Cyrus) has already starred in a television program, released CD's, her own clothing line, and now the autobiography, ironically titled "Miles To Go" (Ironic for me, as I feel that's where I stand with her synergising ways...It's only just begun!?!?!) I can only assume that the perfume and energy drinks products are just around the corner.
Recently I saw a clip of Miley on The View, a popular US daytime television talk show. When asked out what she would like to say to the girls who bullied her in high school, she replied, "Hahaha!" And not only that, but she also said that the popular girls who bullied her were always the ones being cast in lead roles in school productions and she was not, but now she has a show and they don’t. Now, to me, this seems suggests less of a rags to riches story, and more of a revenge driven reality.

Apparent the Disney company payed Cyrus a 7 figure sum to write the autobiography and there is already talks of a movie based on the book. Is this going to be a similar situation to Patty Duke starring in the Patty Duke story? Or the Joan Rivers/Melissa Rivers story, starring Joan and Melissa Rivers? Miley Cyrus stars as Miley Cyrus in the Miley Cyrus story.
Give me a break!
Monday, March 9, 2009
First stop: Myspace, Then onto: Facebook, Get off at Twitter. I'm on the cyber-networking express
There's a new thing in town. It's all the rage. And now I've jumped on it.
In the past I have reported on my crippling addiction to Facebook. I'm a recovering addict and each day is another struggle. However, to combat an addiction, one addict will often find another addiction to harbor in doom with. And so, in the style of former alcoholics becoming over-eaters, I have jumped on the Twitter bandwagon.
What is Twitter you ask? It is a site that allows you to create a profile that allows you to update on what you're doing, and keep updated on other peoples lives. Twitter has been around for a while, but, as far as I'm concerned, Twitter is a new thing. It has only been within the last couple of weeks that I've first heard of this new social networking site. At first I didn't get it. It seems just like the update status feature on Facebook. But as I've been studying it a bit more, I think I'm getting the gist of it. It is all about what you're doing. And while I could have just been content with Facebook, joining Twitter proves a valuable exercise in my attempt to be rid of the Facebook addiction.
What has been the bane of my Facebook problem is that I was sick of constantly checking my home page to see if I was getting any love. The joy about Twitter: it's all about what you're doing, and what other people are doing, and less about the interaction between both. Not that you can't interact, but it doesn't seem to be the point of it all. Perhaps this is a godsend from heaven.
So as I ponder the existence of Twitter-dom, I will keep you updated. Is this just another step into the dark abyss of inner torment and hell or, is it a step up to Jesus, in his holy multi-media wonderment?
Friday, March 6, 2009
The joys of...
It's a new technological age, and so it seems that there are certain changes that are taking shape and now becoming quite obvious to the techno-savvy eye. One thing that has specifically changed within the last 10 years is how television shows are accessed and digested. With DVD technology becoming less expensive, the consumption of our favourite television shows, and more notably, television shows we've yet to discover, have become cheaper and more accessible than ever before. This has lead to people watching the television shows on DVD as opposed to watching them live on television, and in some cases, television shows being altered in favour of DVD audiences.
Writers of Family Guy can be heard on many DVD commentaries noting which parts of an episode have been specifically written for the DVD and were cut from original airing on the FOX television network. This suggests that not only is there an auidence for DVD TV but that the creators of the shows are catering specifically for this audience and perhaps moving away from the traditional forms of exhibition.
So, why should you watch a TV show on DVD as opposed to watching it in real time on your own television? Well, firsly, everything is on your own time. You are your own programmer. You decide what shows are worthy of being broadcast in primetime hours, and not only that, but you can decide how many episodes you wish to view at the one time. You can have your own marathon if you choose. It's all up to you. And another benefit of owning your own TV series, is that you can repeat, pause, add subtitles and fast forward as much as your hearts desire.
In an article written in The Age (click here if you want to read more), creator of The Wire David Simon notes how the trend is turning with television shows being made in a different televisual world, where everything will turn into On Demand viewing, instead of viewers having to curb their lives around television programming.
I have been a fan of this new trend. I have discovered many gems that were many a time unavailable on normal network television. And even having the added bonus of cable does not ensure you will see the show you so called desire, unless you have some kind of electronic recording device. But still, owning DVD TV is the ultimate convienence of television consumption. Television shows like The Wire and Family Guy are finding their audiences within the DVD market, and not via network programming.
Of course this does not spell the end for television broadcasting. Nonetheless, television broadcasting will undoubtably change within the next 5-10 years. And this could very well allow for much easier consumption of television shows, much similar to DVD TV. I personally cannot wait! While the good ol' days of turning on your box at 8.30 on a Sunday night may become a thing of the past, hopefully we'll be able embrace the new age of technological television broadcasting.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
10 reasons why you need to watch...30 ROCK
*Disclaimer, as I write this, I have only seen the first two seasons of 30 rock. I could go and watch it online, but I just cannot manage to do so. I cannot watch crappy quality youtube style videos of movies and television shows, not to put down those who do, it just personally does not work for me. But soon, I will have seen more and perhaps write an updated post of why you need to watch 30 rock.
9) It's filmed in New York. So often we see these sitcoms based and shot on boring sets within the backdrop of boring Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. Bring on the much more interesting Big Apple.
8) Not only a feast for the eyes, but good entertainment for the brain, with a delightful play on words. For example: Jenna's indie movie The Rural Juror, Dr Spaceman (pronounced Spa-chem-an), Tracy Morgan's character Tracy Jordan goes by the alias of Stacy Morgan while on the run from the Black Crusaders. Hysterical.
7) The use of extraneous multimedia, such as using blatant product placement while claiming
5) Jenna Maloney, as played by Jane Krakowski (maybe you remember her as Elaine from Ally McBeal.) Poor Jenna is a bit of a stereotype here. Actress. Blonde. Dumb. Attention seeker. Vain. Egocentric. Desperate to be taken seriously. Never will be.
4) Alec Baldwin is hysterically funny as Network Exectuive Jack Donaghy. So entertaining to see Baldwin play the polar opposite of his famous political views. A staunch democrat playing a guilt ridden Catholic Republican. Just great!
3) 30 Rock is loosely based upon Tina Fey's (star, producer, writer and creator) real life job as first female head writer of variety comedy sketch show Saturday Night Live. If you've seen SNL then you'll want to see more, like a fly on the wall!
2) It's the writing. Each written line is gold, and its a collaborative effort between cast and the writers, but its just comedy gold that is being produced. And it's also fascinating to watch a show about writers and actors working together. Just watch!
1) See the genius of one of the most famous women in America, not to mention the funniest, smartiest, prettiest, super brainiest, poltical impersonating, starry eyed, dream girl. TINA FEY!!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A Year of Films.
The competitors in contention (in alphabetical order) are (also known as all the 2008 films I saw):
Australia, Baby Mama, Body of Lies, Burn After Reading, Changeling, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspien, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Dark Knight, Doubt, Frozen River, Get Smart, The Happening, Happy-Go-Lucky, A History of my Sexual Failures, In Bruges, In Seach of a Midnight Kiss, Iron Man, Kung Fu Panda, The Love Guru, Madagascar 2, Mamma Mia, Milk, Rachel Getting Married, The Reader, Revolutionary Road, Role Models, Quantum of Solace, Savage Grace, Sex and the City, Shutter, Slumdog Millionaire, Then She Found Me, Tropic Thunder, Trumbo, Twilight, Vicky Christina Barcelona, The Visitor, Wall-e, The Wrestler.
Best Film
As if I could just pick one. So it's a three way tie:
Doubt, Milk, and Vicky Christina Barcelona.
Best Male Actor
Sean Penn in Milk. Amazing performance. Such a versolite actor.
Best Female Actor
Meryl Streep in Doubt. Probably favouritism here, both for Streep and for nuns, but I loved her Sister Aloysius.
Best Male Actor in a Supporting Role
Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight. I hate that I'm cliche and agreeing with everyone else, but I cannot think of another contender.
Best Female Actor in a Supporting Role
Rosemarie DeWitt in Rachel Getting Married. Absolutely stunning performance.
Best Director
Jonathan Demme for Rachel Getting Married. Such an unusual film, but Demme made something quite different and ultimately special.
Worst Film
The Happening. What the hell M. Night Shyamalan? Dishonourable mentions go to Mamma Mia and Body of Lies.
Most Disappointing Film
Twilight. I was expecting this to be my guilty pleasure film of the year. Not even. Quite disappointed.
Best Screenplay
Woody Allen for Vicky Christina Barcelona. He's back, but mind you, he never left.
Best Film from a New Filmmaker
In Search for a Midnight Kiss. So indie. So promising.
Most Overrated Film
Slumdog Millionaire. I'm not saying it wasn't a good film, I really liked it, but I'm so over hearing about it.
Most Overrated Performance
Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder. Good comedic performance, but nothing worthy of award attention.
Most Underrated Film
In Bruges. What an amazing script with unforgettable performances.
Most Underrated Performance
Sally Hawkins in Happy-Go-Lucky. How was she snubbed for this performance? WTF?
Best Song used in a Film
Bruce Springsteen - The Wrestler in The Wrestler. As crucial to Rourke's performance in the film. Just amazing. As for why it got snubbed from Oscars...well, who knows!?!
Best Male Comeback
Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler. Hands down. Hard choice between him and Penn for best male performance of the year. He is the movie.
Best Female Comeback
Debra Winger in Rachel Getting Married. She's back and she shows why she should be. I want more!
Most Disturbing Film
Revolutionary Road. Not for the faint hearted...
Best Guilty Pleasure Film
The Dark Knight. For me, it's a guilty pleasure film, because I tend to liken the more dramatic stories, and less for the action films, but this one was just something else.
I'm back!
Happy 2009! It has been almost two months since my last blog. It's shameful really. I've had a lot of time off, and while the creative juices should have been following, I've been suffering from writer's anxiety and block instead. I wish I could have said that I've been holidaying in Hawaii instead, but the plain simple truth is that something took a hold of my writing. I even got a laptop in the process, which should have made it easier to write more frequently, but NO. So throwing caution to the wind and everything else aside, I am going to try and write everyday, or as close to as I can bare. What will result from this daily eventful blogging? I don't know. Perhaps I shall write about movies again, perhaps other things will come out. Right now, I cannot say if I can be bothered trying to sound the slightest bit professional or journalistic, but here goes nothing. And enjoy the new look!
I do slightly lie when I say I wrote nothing. So here is something I wrote at the start of the year.
Friday 16th January, 2.37am
There is something about the new calendar year that makes everything fresh. A new year has started and therefore so can a new life. Divorcees and heartbroken sad cases everywhere hold onto the idea that this will be the time where everything will get better and fall into place. But when you think about it, it's just another day. And what a difference a day can make, so it seems.
Everywhere I look, I hear '2009 will be the year' and 'change is on my side in 09' and more endless and similar expressions that keep me wondering, is 2009 really the year of change? At the start of each new calendar year there is a three week period (sometimes extending longer) where people can freely make these statements without seeming too crazy or pathetic.
However, these hopeful optimists everywhere (especially those who have gone through a particular crappy year) are living either one of two possible realities. Option A is that these hopeful optimists actually believe that the new year will bring happiness, prosperity and love, all because of the turning of time. Or, the more likely of these options is Option B, where desperation can become so helpless that any idea of the prospect of happiness, prosperity and love coming to fruition will do.
I have become a frequent visitor of Option A, but it seems that I am residing in the residence of Option B for the time being. I would like to believe that simply because the calendar year has passed over, inner contentment will follow and that mystically everything is on my side. However, I find it unreasonable and illogical to believe that this reality is solely a result of the stars. This is what I'm pertaining to, with the whole 'it's predetermined by some kind of unseeable force.'
But don't get me wrong, I am a kind of spiritual guy. And in fact, I even bought a book of how to master the art of happiness by the Dali Lama. As a result of the purchase, I would go as far as saying that simply by rubbing the book, I feel the effects immediately. Despite all of these proclamations and affirmations, I cannot stop hearing the little cynical voice that rears its ugly head and says "what if this is all bull?"
And maybe it is all bull. But there is that wonderful three week period that allows for the window of opportunity and hope, where all the past mistakes and failures of the previous year and wiped away, leaving a clean palate to start with. And maybe this year will be the year of change, god knows I need it. And so as the three week window comes to a close, I will try to see the glass as half full and hope for the best. I figure that will work until around January 22.